My African Womanhood is a non-profit feminist organization founded on March 17, 2020, by Brenda Bih Chi and Mangyie Lem Caren. This initiative was born when Brenda saw the necessity to coach, educate and support young African girls in their journey to become leaders.

There are several factors that can hinder young African girls from giving their full potential in academic, social, and/or professional milleus. These factors are cultural norms, poor access to education, gender violence, body shame, poor access to menstrual health products and lack of sexuality education. Having this in mind, My African Womanhood was created to tackle these problems, thereby actively contributing to the formation of Africa's next generation of female leaders. Furthermore, this organization has four principal working areas which are: Women in Leadership, Women in Agriculture, Sexuality Education and Sustainable Menstrual Health Management. So far, the activities that have been carried out to accomplish our mission by enhancing access to quality education for young girls, promoting sexuality education and imparting workshops on Sustainable Menstruation.